Generally, the motor is still the old type of air filter foam application to capture the dirt sort of dust. Part of this, have a character that can be cleaned and used again. In order to maintain engine performance race favorite.
But, do any clean yes. There is special treatment. Filter mixture polyurethane foam applications. "Clean it, you should not use gasoline," open Sarwono Edhi, Technical Service Training Manager Technical Service Division of PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM).
But, do any clean yes. There is special treatment. Filter mixture polyurethane foam applications. "Clean it, you should not use gasoline," open Sarwono Edhi, Technical Service Training Manager Technical Service Division of PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM).
Not without reason, Edhi said that. Before the foam, there is a wire mesh attached to the box filter. Wire-called flame strap has a feedback function to deflect fire from the combustion chamber so as not affected by foam.
Although not necessarily happen, but it is clear why it should not be washed foam using flammable liquids. For if there is a fire is established, then the foam will burn easily.
The good, do not use gasoline. But, it could use diesel fuel. After all, it only be washed alone. "After being washed and squeezed, and squeezed the oil should be given more," advises Anjali, Mitra Mulia Motor mechanic at Jl. H oblique Raya, No. 41, Ciledug, Tangerang. When the squeeze ya Do not twisted.
The goal is given oil, certainly for dirt or dust can be sucked to the channel filter attached to the foam. But it's good if there is, use the oil that has a viscosity of SAE 80-90. For example, axle oil.
Added Edhi, because the pores are applied polyurethane filter is quite large. If you use the type of engine oil, power of outboard gear and dust in the foam is not as good as viscous oil. "The pores are larger than filter paper," explained the man who is based at Astra Honda Training Center, Sunter, North Jakarta.
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