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Yamaha Gear

Yamaha Gear
In Japan, businessmen between goods delivery or service is really spoiled. What more can choose to use motorcycles as a fleet. No need to bother modification, because it provided a special motorcycle delivery. Yamaha Gear BX50 example of this!

Matic from Yamaha is designed specially to serve the delivery of goods. Seats only a single seater, but the space behind a wide and flat. Want to place items such as food, newspapers or want to add a crib can be done freely.

The design was embarrassing baseball. Stay fashionable with a minimalist design that is functional. Thick seat for the rider not sore though the road is much easier. Foot space was airy, making remain relaxed.

Headlights are placed in front of the cover body is not without reason. With this design, the basket can be placed in front and when the load is too high and the same height as the handlebars. Highlight the lights still are not blocked.

Being only 4-stroke engine, 50cc. After all, no need to drag-racing right? SOHC engine is equipped with 3 valves. Strength were pretty, about 4.2 Dk and 3.9 Nm of torque. Yamaha Gear is sold at 220,500 yen, or equivalent to Rp 23.4 million.

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