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DRS Never Used in F1 Monaco

Drag Reduction Systems (DRS) aka rear wing was recognized by many drivers as the most successful regulations to bring good luck in the F1 2011 season performances. But apparently not all circuits will use the system, and the circuit of Monte Carlo in Monaco seems to get listed in the circuits that are not allowed to use the DRS system.

Of course, many reasons for not using the system in Monte Carlo, one of which safety or security system drivers. The number of panels that must be operated at the wheel of F1 cars, making the concentration of drivers will be disturbed. Moreover, the Monte Carlo circuit character of the narrow and demanding complete concentration.

The third reason is the absence of a sufficient length of straight lines to the area of ​​operation of the system. However this is not final, given the FIA (the world motor racing federation) still want to do the last talks with F1 teams and drivers in Turkey next series.

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